5565 Glenridge Connector NE
Suite 1000
Atlanta, GA 30342
MendenFreiman has five designated “Visitor” spaces located on the FIRST floor of the parking garage. These spaces are NUMBERED 86-90 and are marked with our LOGO. These designated spaces can be found by circling the FIRST floor of the garage, as if you are heading toward the exit. Upon entry to the garage, take an immediate RIGHT and then three LEFTS on the FIRST floor. Our designated “Visitor” spaces will be immediately on the RIGHT – located across from the down ramp.
Additionally, there are six levels in the parking garage and you may park in any nonreserved space on any level (in addition to the building designated “Visitor” spaces).
Do not park in a space marked RESERVED. The building strictly enforces its parking policies and will tow improperly parked cars.
5565 Glenridge Connector NE
Suite 1000
Atlanta, GA 30342